The Walled Garden

Dating back to the 18th Century

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It has now matured into a magnificent area with enlarged herbaceous borders and some fine specimen trees. It includes the Pool House and infinity pool. Mrs Nathan has planted the herbaceous beds predominantly in colour themes - the long border in blues, purples and mauves, under the eucryphias, white borders, and near the Pool House, pink and magenta borders.

An original 18th century stone seat was brought to the Walled Garden by Mr and Mrs Nathan from their previous home. It has now found the perfect resting place framed by an escallonia hedge at one end of the lawn. The Pool House has a new facade and slate roof, which complements the old stone walls. In spring, hundreds of tulips planted throughout the herbaceous borders to create early colour before the perennials start performing in June.

The walls are a wonderful vehicle to grow interesting climbers, like clematis, wisteria, tree paeonies, abutilons and many more tender loving plants. The walls provide shelter from the wind, creating the garden's own, mostly frost-free, climate so typical of traditional English walled gardens.

In August, the giant Eucryphias Nymensii comes out in glorious white blossom. A sight to behold, they are under planted with varieties of white dahlias, Cosmos bipinnatus 'Purity', white phlox and many more African daisies, delphiniums, giant campanulas, dahlias, alliums, all thrive in the neutral soil creating a paradise of colour from April through to September.

Walled Garden Seat